

Unsurprisingly the "spiritual successor" to a bad project is also bad. Ensure this fate by having it be led by Canadians and the result should be clear. Now on top of this the Canadians developers have started to receive funding from Tencent (China)...

Before the Tencent investment though this game was just an inferior ARMA game with even more censorship and abusive admins. If you search for "Squad Community Ban List" you'll find numerous posts describing the unfair abuse dished out to their paying customers. I'm not sure that the list is still operational in that form (janny hosting it went broke?) but it contained tens-of-thousands of user accounts (probably at least ~50K). If you were included in that list your infractions never truly decayed and you could be banned for practically nothing. You would become effectively permabanned from the ENTIRE game (apparently most servers used it). This is how I recall it but these developers are truly awful.

There's additional controversy surrounding the firing of a developer for "racism". I think at one point this developer had called them out for being scummy developers and working on other games using their funding (they were a kick starter / crowdfunded originally). It seems that they've released two other games as cash grabs rather than improving on the game that had been promised.


completely awful too long to list;


Squad Community Ban List Github
Community Server ban FAQ
Banned Developer Controversy
BLM posturing - ~circa the great ape death
Code of Conduct